Welcome to Velocity Skills Training, where we provide a positive learning environment for kids to train with consistency, intensity, and accountability. As a basketball coach with years of experience, I’m dedicated to helping players gain confidence and get results.
Are you a player who wants to enhance your basketball skills? Our comprehensive basketball training drills are designed to cater to you. Clients rave about our basketball dribbling drills improving their handles. Our athletes are excited about increasing their range and getting icy veins for clutch shots. We consistently practice. The essence of our program and drills is to chase excellence personally and dominate the game of basketball. Get in the zone with specialized training drills to be even more explosive on the basketball court.
Our training for skill acquisition is simplified to a step-by-step process. We practice the skill, with no defense, in the situation athletes will see in a game. Then, we utilize drills and constraint-based scoring to apply the skill with a defender.
Also known as our Beast Workout Drills, our individual training will help you progress quickly. Training tailored specifically for your needs. This training allows for players to get in the zone with specialized training drills and to be even more explosive on the court.
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